• eat

    Agency: Stripe the Web

    Eat is a local delivery company where foods are freshly prepared, cooked and packed every week and delivery the door. The project is to update their existing website and improve both the user experience and usability for their target audiences, and to attract new one.

  • TwoQuarter

    Self initiated, Uni Project

    TwoQuarters is a project that puts legibility and readability to the ultimate test, investigating whether legibility and readability should be the prime purpose of type design. The project involved developing a typeface to analyse how much physical information from a typeface is needed in order for the denotation to communicate to a reader.

    The final typeface resulted from a Baskerville inspired serif typeface, deconstructed diagonally where only half of the letterform remain.

  • Queen Margaret College

    Agency: Stripe the Web

    QMC needed a fresh new look to their website and to create an online portal for their students, parents and staff to communicate easily. It was a challenging project as the structure of the site was to be deconstructed and strict brand guide line to be followed.

  • Moodle 2.0

    Client - Teresa Gibbison
    Waikato Centre of eLearning

    The objective of this project is to re-design and develop a number of themes for the University of Waikato LMS to support the changes that will be implemented within the new version, Moodle 2.0, when released.

    The themes are to bring uniqueness and improved usability to the LMS platform. A parent theme is being created for the university as a whole and further themes will be developed for the individual faculties within the university where a representation will be shown for each faculty.


    - Parent theme for Moodle 2.0 as the default theme.
    - Child theme for Faculty of Art, CMC, Education, Law, Science, SMPD.